Trying to keep a level head The top 10 runners-up were given a copy of the CD before it was in stores, and a free membership to Atreyu's exclusive fan club. [x2] This walk can get lonely. var opts = { Today I become the bull (become the bull) Home A bands / artist Atreyu lyrics Becoming The Bull lyrics.   (Become the bull) Today, I'll become the bull Lead Sails (and a Paper Anchor) (acoustic). Enjoyed everywhere, The Lyrics for Becoming the Bull by Atreyu have been translated into 6 languages, These lyrics have been translated into 6 languages. Band or Song name : HOME Top 50 AlLyrics MTV Top 20 UK Singles chart USA Billboard R&B Singles. â€~Grab the bull by the horns' * all the he's and such are just referring to whom ever the song refers to which I would believe to be the writer. Trying to keep a level head There is so much at stake I stumble I lose my place pretty self explanatory there, one mistake and you can lose it all Pride and arrogance surrounded by sin But I choose how today will end. In the most unsettling of times. Nobody tells you where to go from there Seems like fate‚s pulling you Well, there isn't anymore after people say grab life by the horns so no one does tell you where to go, your in control its your destination, but by grabbing the bull/life it is pulling you ( just like grabbing a bull in real life might pull you) this pull is interpreted as fate, the narrator seems to be trying to control his life and not let fate guide it. Today I become the bull Atreyu has since made the single available on their MySpace page. The best path is the hardest earned. An annotation cannot contain another annotation. Back and forth the struggle consumes us all. In the most unsettling of times "Becoming The Bull". "The best path is the hardest earned", Back and forth the struggle consumes us all Today, I'll become the bull But I choose how the day will end Grab the bull by the horns the old adage goes. Remove myself from this rat race Today I become the bull Today I become the bull. Playlist, Written by: Daniel Jacobs, Porter Marc McKnight, Travis William Miguel, Brandon Saller, Ektor Alex Varkatzas. Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web! Trying to keep a level head Trying to keep a level head Back and forth, the struggle consumes us all But I choose how today will end, Back and forth the struggle consumes us all Go! In the most unsettling of times 8 Nov. 2020. Atreyu Lyrics. Come on! Remove myself from this pride race, Back and forth the struggle consumes us all This walk Can get lonely its about going on his own path, doing what he wants and not what mainstream society may be doing or expecting of him and he may see the societal pressures as fate as well, I think anything that isn't what the narrator(writer, who ever..) wants to do is considered fate, if they didn't pick to do it then it is fate/destiny.

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