Daar komt bij dat het gebruik van de bijnaam invictus voor Sol zeer willekeurig is, en dus kennelijk voor de juiste identificatie van de god niet nodig is. Alternative History is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Er stonden oude heiligdommen van Sol in en/of bij het Circus Maximus[3], op de Quirinalis,[4] en volgens Hijmans (2010) ook in Trastevere. The medal is illustrated in Jocelyn M.C. Aurelianus is bovenal conservatief in zijn religieuze hervormingen. For "august[us]" as divine epithet, see Hornum, Historia Augusta, 1, 5: English translation (Loeb) from Thayer. The coinage Elagabalus does not use. To Hijmans this implies the radiate crown of living emperors as a link to Augustus. Hij wijst erop dat Sol op munten van Aurelianus vaker Oriens (de opkomende) als bijnaam heeft dan invictus, en dat beide termen niet nieuw zijn. The Historia Augusta refers to the deity Elagabalus as "also called Jupiter and Sol" (fuit autem Heliogabali vel Iovis vel Solis).[14]. [1], Recent onderzoek heeft echter aangetoond dat er in Rome doorlopend een cultus van de zon is geweest, en dat deze nooit verstoten is door Syrische goden. Sol Invictus, which means Invincible Sun in Latin, is the primary religion of the former Roman World, save for in areas such as Britain, the Balkans, or Asia Minor where large populations of non-Romans immigrated in the following years, or in Egypt, which retained its own different religion. The best English summary of this issue is Hijmans (2009), with ample references to earlier literature (primarily in German). [25] The only explicit reference to a celebration of Sol in late December is made by Julian the Apostate in his hymn to King Helios written immediately afterwards in early 363 CE. [17] [11] Here "augustus" is most likely a further epithet of Sol as "august" (an elevated being, divine or close to divinity), though the association of Sol with the Imperial house would have been unmistakable and was already established in iconography and stoic monism. Wallraff 2001: 174-177. Op munten, bijvoorbeeld, wordt Sol al vanaf het eind van de 2e eeuw ongeveer jaarlijks afgebeeld, maar wordt hij pas in ongeveer 260 voor het eerst invictus genoemd. Ceres (Demeter) is the goddess of farming, Vulcan (Haphaistion) is the god of creation, forging, and volcanoes, Venus (Aphrodite)  is the goddess of love and sex, Mercury (Hermes) is the messenger god of communication, Bacchus (Vachos or Dionysos) is the god of wine and madness, Vesta (Hestia) is the virgin goddess of the hearth and family. Jupiter (Zeus)  is the god of thunder and the most powerful of the Reverberationes. [10] Vanaf dat moment wordt de term regelmatig gebruikt, maar nog altijd op het merendeel van de munten niet. S. Hijmans, “Metaphor, Symbol and Reality: the Polysemy of the Imperial Radiate Crown”, in: C.C. [5] Deze vroeg-Romeinse zonnegod had een bescheiden rol in de Romeinse religie, maar wel een blijvende. [43], In the 5th century, Pope Leo I (the Great) spoke of how the celebration of Christ's birth coincided with the sun's position increasing in the sky in several sermons on the Feast of the Nativity. and p.169 "the custom of representing Deus Sol Invictus on coins came to an end in AD 323. [12] These are the earliest attested examples of Sol as invictus, but in 102 CE a certain Anicetus restored a shrine of Sol; Hijmans (2009, 486, n. 22) is tempted "to link Anicetus' predilection for Sol with his name, the Latinized form of the Greek word ἀνίκητος, which means invictus".[13]. Julian explicitly differentiates between the one-day, annual celebration of late December 362 and the multi-day quadrennial games of Sol which, of course, had also been held in 362, but clearly at a different time. "axiomatische" kenmerken van de Mithras-cultus. In 274 Aurelian made it an official cult alongside the traditional Roman cults. His successors automatically inherited (or sometimes acquired) the same offices and honours due to Octavian as "saviour of the Republic" through his victory at Actium, piously attributed to Apollo-Helios. of wellicht zelfs eerder. In the Roman Calendar of the early empire these include Jupiter Invictus and Mars Invictus. p. 22 L.”, in: For a full list of the pontifices of Sol see J. Rupke (ed. In het meest recente onderzoek is men het erover eens dat Aurelianus geen nieuwe zonnegod heeft ingevoerd; zijn hervormingen hadden betrekking op de eeuwenoude cultus van Sol in Rome. [40][41], Whether the 'Sol Invictus' festival "has a strong claim on the responsibility for our December date" of Christmas (as per the 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia[42]) or not has been called into question by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI, who challenged this theory by arguing that a December 25 date was determined simply by calculating nine months beyond March 25, regarded as the day of Jesus’ conception (the Feast of the Annunciation).

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